Sunday, June 5, 2011

Purification Essential oil. A great oil to use in the summer!!

What is it?
What can it do for me?

This is an antiseptic blend formulated for diffusing to help purify the home and work environment.  It cleanses the air and neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke, and disagreeable odors. When applied directly to the skin, Purification may be used to cleanse cuts and scrapes and may help neutralize the poison of bites from spiders, bees, hornets, wasps. Purification is another one of the essential oils I carry with me at all times. Feel free to stop me and try it for yourself!

A few stories from other people and how they use purification essential oil.

TICKS ~In the shower this morning, I found a tick between my big and second toe. I had no idea how long he had been there. I have always been terrible at removing them with tweezers, so I decided to try purification instead. I loaded a q-tip and rubbed it around the area and he just barely moved. For the longest time, he seemed not to be bothered by it and I even wondered if he was still alive. Just when I'd determined he was dead, he would move again. After about 15 minutes, he finally decided it was time to leave and backed out. Yeah!! Lesson learned, don't be impatient and quit. Take the time and it WILL work!!

BEES ~I was sitting on my patio one hot summer day a few years ago and my friend and I were bothered by a bee hovering around. I sprinkled a few drops of purification oil blend and the bee peacefully flew away! Similarly, on another occasion, I was working at my church rummage sale in September and again was plagued by a bee at the (open) back door. Thank God I had my Essential 7 kit. I quickly sprinkled purification by the door. Like the first time, the bee flew away without incident! This is especially exciting for me as I have had severe reactions to insect bites all of my life and have had some particularly painful and swollen bee stings which have made me dizzy. I can rest easy, knowing purification is the non-toxic armor to make bees flee!

BITES ~My 2 year old son was stung by a yellow jacket on his finger. He was hysterical and his finger swelled up quickly and was hot to the touch. I quickly grabbed my Purification and put some on the sting site. He immediately stopped crying and within 3 minutes I couldn't even tell which finger it was that was stung!

~We just returned from a trip to France and one of the young ladies with us had several mosquito bites on her legs. I put a few drops of Purification on them and the itching and redness stopped. She did not have any other bites after that.

INSECT REPELLENT ~Went to Hawaii with a group of thirteen adults and children. I'd squeeze some sunscreen in my hand then add a few drops of the Purification blend and rub on. I was the only one out of the group to not get any bug bites, day and night critters both.

FOOT ODORS ~My husband had always been plagued with foot odor. He had tried many different remedies, but nothing worked for more than a few hours. I decided one day to try Purification oil, as I had used it when going to a hotel, to clean the room of any impurities. I applied a drop under his toes, a drop on the bottom of his foot, and a drop on the top of his foot, rubbing it in completely. The odor was completely gone, and stayed gone the whole day and night. So now, each day after his shower, I apply the Purification oil to each foot, and he has not had any odor since. What a wonderful oil!

PET ODORS ~We had an annoying urine smell in our basement laundry room. We tried and tried to locate the origin of it and finally determined it was in an area of concrete that we had put an old bathroom rug down for padding, but has since been removed. In one of our floods, it seems the urine must have been in the old bathroom rug and into the concrete. After trial and error, we found Purification dripped right onto the concrete area where the smell is finally took away the smell. YEAH!!!!

~We have three dogs, and have a constant challenge with odors in our rugs and upholstered furniture. I put some baking soda and a few drops of Young Living Purification Essential Oil Blend in a shaker can and shook it well. Then, I scattered it all over the rugs and let it sit for about half an hour. I vacuumed it all up and now I have a very fresh smelling house. I hope this helps you.

AIR FRESHENER ~I mix water and approximately 10 drops of Purification oil in a spray bottle and use as air freshener. I love the smell! I also use this same mixture on my dog when he is scratching himself. It seems to help for the itching.

FRESHEN LAUNDRY ~I had a load of clothes that hadn't gotten into the dryer soon enough so they had that musty smell to them. With a backlog of laundry piled up, I thought I would try wetting a washcloth and put several drops of Young Living Purification oil on it and toss it in the dryer with the clothes like a fabric softener sheet. Sure enough, those clothes came out fresh with no bad smell whatsoever!

 Essential oils are safe and non-toxic! They last a long time and can be used for a multitude of things!!

Yours in Health!

"Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own health. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. However, when you give the body what it needs then the body can heal itself as God intended it to."