Young Living's Animal Scents Ointment was intended for animals but I have found it works wonders on my "paws" too! Get rid of winter "ugliness"... dry feet and hands!
This ointment is blended with Melaleuca alternifolia and myrrh, two of nature's most powerful essential oils. For animals and people it may be used for minor skin irritations, cuts, and abrasions, the rich blend of ingredients is effective yet gentle and safe, so you can soothe your pets (and you) without using harmful chemicals or synthetic products.
Another key thing to keep in mind is when you are using an essential oil topically, animals scents ointment will seal in the oils and allows them to work longer and more effectively!
It comes in a very large container- there is plenty to share! A little goes a long way. An effective, non-toxic, gentle approach to soothe you and your pets "paws"!!
A few stories:
Using Animal Scents Ointment to seal oils (Author: Fonda Lorenz)
I have discovered that after using several oils on my knee (I had replacement surgery) that in order to really seal the oils in, I placed the Young Living Animal Scents Ointment on top and rubbed it in. It seems to keep the oils working at a much longer time and feels great! My skin is very soft as a direct result of using this and I also use it on my hands and on my lips at night.Psoriasis recipe (Author: Pam May)
For Psoriasis I have used 1 heaping teaspoon Animal Scents Ointment to which I add 2 drops Peppermint Oil. I stir this with a toothpick to mix and apply to affected skin at least 2 x per day. This has worked great for at least 3 people who have tried it. Even my skeptical pharmacist friend.
Split fingertips and Animal Scents Ointment (Author: Danielle Robertson)
During the cold, winter months, my fingertips start to split open (especially the more I am in water); it hurts to do anything with my fingertips. I have the Animal Scents Ointment in my cabinet and I pulled it out thinking it did so well on my feet (I had ordered it for cracked heels which has helped tremendously), why not give it a try on my fingertips. I applied some before bedtime and put on gloves (socks work great too) and the next morning, my fingers didn't hurt as much and the cracks were not red and as split. I kept applying throughout the day and again that night. The next morning, the splits were completely sealed with only a visible line where they were located. I continued to apply each time I washed my hands.
NOTE: My husband is a service technician and his fingers split as well (only his are deeper and longer - ouch)...he applied the ointment at night as well and was pleased with the results the next morning—he continues to use it throughout the day
For more info check out the link
or you can contact me.
Yours in Health, Ann!