Tuesday, April 26, 2011

PEPPERMINT OIL: Mice, Ants, Spiders, Mosquitoes, and you!

Young Living's Peppermint oil is a very versatile oil. Peppermint oil can keep those little pests away from you this summer. Therapeutic grade Peppermint essential oil can be used to support your health in many ways. It helps reduce muscle aches and pains, eases indigestion, relieves headaches, reduces fever, relieves motion sickness, may help combat congestion, may help ease itches from poison ivy, bug bites and stings. Peppermint is one of my favorite oils. I am never with out my peppermint oil, feel free to stop me and try it for yourself.

A few stories from other people about how they benefit from Peppermint oil.

ANTS ~In the summer time, we frequently dine on our screened porch. Despite cleaning up after every meals, we were having more problems with ants on and around the table. I added 2 drops of peppermint oil to my organic glass cleaner and the ant problem vanished!

MICE~ My heart sank as I recognized the tell-tale signs of a mouse in my house. A day later, we spotted one. First, we bought glue traps. That caught one successfully; but I knew there was still at least one more. Somehow or another, the remaining mouse knew to avoid the traps. So... I decided I'd search the oil testimonial database and see which oils might help. Peppermint was mentioned several times--so out came my bottle of peppermint. A few drops of cotton balls scented with that oil and placed around the rooms have resolved the mouse in the house situation successfully!

MOSQUITOES~When I work out in my garden, I mix several drops of peppermint oil with V-6 oil, and rub it on my exposed areas - wrists, hands, ankles, feet, neck, etc., and the mosquitoes buzz around me but never land on me. Works every time!

SPIDERS~I spray Peppermint oil in the air to deter spiders. Repeat every two weeks. (4 oz. bottle of water with 10 drops Peppermint oil). Works great.

PEOPLE~My grand kids love to use the peppermint oil for their itches--stops it right away. They also like it for upset tummies, and just to add to their drinking water. My sister and son also had great relief from heartburn with just a drop of peppermint oil in 8 oz. of water. One of the grandsons had a stuffy nose for a couple of weeks, and he would just open the bottle of peppermint and breathe deeply through his nose--it took just a few seconds to open him up. They also like the deep relief roll on for their sore spots--one of the boys has a lot of growing pains.

"Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own health. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. However, when you give the body what it needs then the body can heal itself as God intended it to."

1 comment:

  1. Friend had a really bad mice infestation in her kitchen, she used a home made peppermint formula she found online and within a week the mice were gone!
