Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Do you suffer from Constant Fatigue???

Do you suffer from Constant Fatigue???
When blood is loaded with toxins due to a weak and inefficient
liver, there is limited capacity for the blood to carry oxygen and
nutrients which are necessary for energy production. The result is
constant fatigue. A clean and efficient liver which produces
cleaner blood would help energy production because clean blood can
carry more oxygen and nutrients. Clean blood is also lighter; it
flows better and results in better blood circulation.

I am in the midst of a 5 day nutritive cleanse, the link below to my facebook page. I've heard so much about cleanses lately- seems to be the "in" thing!  I have talked to different people who have participated in this cleanse and each person experienced something different! Brain fog lifted, circulation improved, less sugar cravings, overall increase in energy, less muscle fatigue!! I will let you know how I feel when its done!!


Documenting this process. Hope I can inspire others to try something to jump start them to
try something new to support good health!

Yours in Health, Ann


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